How many material libraries for LS-DYNA does LS-PrePost have?
Yury Novozhilov
How to use and manage material libraries in LS-PrePost
Many people are used to thinking of LS-PrePost as a great all-in-one tool for tuning and validating complex models and processing results. However, this free product contains a library of materials for LS-DYNA, and more than one.
Materials for forming modeling
If you look in the installation directory of the LS-PrePost distribution you may notice the BaoSteel folder there. This is nothing but the metal library of BaoSteel Company, Shanghai, China. It contains data for several dozen materials of various thicknesses with material cards such as
traditionally used in sheet metal stamping. The material models contain Forming Limit Curves and Lankford coefficient to account for anisotropy of the stamped material.
Materials for fast dynamics modeling
The second material library in LS-PrePost is not specialized for solving only one type of problem. This library was created for Solution Explorer within LS-PrePost and contains about 90 material models for LS-DYNA. Here you will find data for metals and polymers (*MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY and *MAT_JOHNSON_COOK), rubbers (*MAT_HYPERELASTIC_RUBBER) and soils (*MAT_SOIL_AND_FOAM), as well as liquids and gases in various settings.
Most of the collection (30 pieces) are explosives (*MAT_HIGH_EXPLOSIVE_BURN + *EOS_JWL). There is even a set of constants for calculating non-ideal detonation (*EOS_IGNITION_AND_GROWTH_OF_REACTION_IN_HE).
Some models can work with a thermal solver due to the presence of corresponding property sets (*MAT_THERMAL_ISOTROPIC).
How to manage these data libraries
The results of your calculations are only as good as the raw data. Of course, it is ideal to obtain material properties experimentally for each calculation. However, these libraries will allow you to perform calculations at the proof-of-concept level. It is worth remembering that the modeling results are always the responsibility of the engineer.
Crash, drop, deformation: simulation of highly non-linear tasks
LS-DYNA is suitable for simulating nonlinear processes with large deformations, stability problems and the most complex contact scenarios