Ansys 2024 R1: Fluent multi-GPU solver

With the 2024 R1, Ansys relies on natively implemented GPU solver technology in fluid mechanics. In addition, users can now also obtain reliable results for complex CFD calculations in Ansys Discovery in the shortest possible time. Read our highlights from the latest release here.

With the 2024 R1 release, Ansys is driving the paradigm shift in fluid mechanics from CPU-based solver technology to natively implemented GPU solver technology. The focus here is primarily on the large models that previously ran overnight, over the weekend or even longer. With the Fluent Multi-GPU solution, we can now run large models over the lunch break! That's what it's all about: speed, speed, speed.

That's why users need High Performance Computing (HPC). This is now also available in smaller dimensions for users who don't want to put 500 cores in their basement. This means computing times that not only change incrementally, but also completely redefine the order of scale. Computing times are reduced from whole weekends to hours. This opens up completely new application possibilities that in many cases were previously not even conceivable.

Ansys Roadmap: GPU-based solver technologies

Ansys has a clear roadmap: there are new GPU-implemented features that will bring the GPU-based solver technologies that have been emerging for a few years into the "adult age". The current Ansys release 2024 R1 already covers a large number of use cases. The last releases mainly focussed on external flows, internal flows, CHT (Conjugate Heat Transfer) and moving grids. Combustion simulations, calculations with free surface flows, and

In the latest release for Fluent Multi-GPU it is possible to calculate combustion and chemical reactions. And we can finally use the "Coupled Solver" to achieve a more robust result on the GPU with fewer iterations. All in all, this means for users and institutions: Ansys Fluent is THE tool of choice for complex assemblies and more sophisticated, demanding CFD simulations.

Another focus of the CFD innovations in Ansys 2024 R1: Ansys Discovery

With Ansys Discovery and its integrated Live GX solver in combination with the very flexible and high-resolution polyhedron meshes (which are now available there), we can now integrate simulation very closely into product development. Ansys Discovery is the tool to generate fast results in the early development phase. Fast means in less than five minutes! This means that you can qualify the proposed design while you are still in the meeting. And we can make a delta comparison between the many different variants and design ideas: what was better, what was not good. That's the idea behind Ansys Discovery in a nutshell.


What are the most important new features in Ansys Discovery from a CFD perspective? The possibilities are growing: the integration of radiation models, e.g. surface-to-surface, is now new. I would particularly like to emphasise the optiSLang integration, which is now included in Ansys Discovery. This makes it particularly easy to recognise promising designs directly and identify them in Discovery.

What else is new? Check out our web special on the latest Ansys release and watch our CADFEM webinars!


Dr.-Ing. Matthias Voß

CADFEM Germany GmbH

+49 8092 / 7005-547


Klaus Kuboth

CADFEM Germany GmbH

+49 8092 / 7005-279