2024 R2 Ansys medini Analyze: Collaboration Ready

Digital transformation is crucial in the development of safety-critical products. Data must be available, reusable and traceable. Teamwork and a central, server-based tool are essential for smooth development processes. With the Ansys Release 2024 R2, medini Analyze now has access to the Ansys MBSE Server, and CADFEM is also expanding its portfolio in functional safety and cybersecurity.

What does digital transformation mean in terms of Safe & Secure?

Safe & Secure has only one goal, namely to develop products in accordance with the current standards landscape. For successful certification, knowledge, processes and responsibilities must be in place and clearly distributed. In addition to the professional training of employees, the medini Analyze software as a model-based tool is an elementary component in the overall approach.

What exactly are the advantages of a model-based approach? Models are a particularly good way of presenting and linking information and bundling it into projects or libraries. Dead archives are a thing of the past, all knowledge is available. What used to be the archive is now the data basis for starting new projects much faster and more efficiently. By making it available on a server, everyone has access all around the time.


How does CADFEM support the topic of Safe & Secure for SMEs?

Not only SMEs, but also larger companies are facing the same challenge. Modern products are electrically/electronically controlled and have more and more interfaces with their environment. 
As soon as life and limb could be at risk, legislation becomes strict. It stipulates that products must be designed to be functionally safe and cyber-secure. Companies often lack the experience, knowledge and resources to assure this.

Depending on the customer's starting point, normative knowledge might first be trained. Then the customer’s process should be defined and implemented. This is best done in an overall concept that assures constant support assistance, from the initial consultation phase up to the customer's complete self-sufficiency. 
Ansys medini Analyze is a market-leading tool offering all the advantages of model-based work. In 2024 R2, this client now has been smoothlessly  connected to the Ansys MBSE Server, enabling easier and more robust collaboration on projects. 
CADFEM as an Ansys reseller goes beyond that. By joining forces with an experienced partner from the Safe & Secure industry, CADFEM customers now have access to a complete portfolio of services and expertise. 
From normative training for the certification of employees over consulting and implementation of processes up to the introduction and individualization of a corresponding software environment... Everything is possible! 

And in case a complete digitization approach would be too big a target in the first step – consulting services are also a viable option to cover individual projects. As the implementation with Ansys medini would be model-based, the consulting knowledge would not be lost, but in fact could be re-used as a basis for future projects in a later implementation phase.

The customer solution embraces all important points from the thematic-normative to the technical implementation and process integration. | © CADFEM



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Dr. Jan Seyfarth

CADFEM Germany GmbH

+49 (0)8092 7005-561


Klaus Kuboth

CADFEM Germany GmbH

+49 (0)8092 7005-279