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Posts about Fluids & Thermal Management

Ansys Fluent 2024 R2: Extended GPU support and improved user interface

The latest version of Ansys Fluent 2024 R2 brings significant enhancements and improvements that increase solver performance and user productivity. ...

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Which is the correct welding speed?

Welding processes generate a lot of heat output in the smallest possible area, which is why adapted process control is important in order to avoid ...

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How Small is Too Small? Optimal CFD Domain

Have you ever noticed that the results of your simulation depend on the position of the boundary conditions? A few questions quickly arise: How large ...

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Fan calculation? ‘Fan’-tastic! Off to the ‘fan curve’.

The ventilation of large and small rooms, as well as the design of the necessary equipment and its supply and exhaust ducts, present the engineer ...

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Mesh morphing with method: The heat exchanger

You want to use the capabilities of the Ansys Fluent Adjoint Solvers for the free-form optimization of your design? Then you need to consider the ...

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Hydrogen instead of natural gas: Optimal burner geometry through CFD simulation

Do you have an industrial burner that runs on natural gas and want to switch to hydrogen? That sounds like a good idea, because hydrogen is a clean ...

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Dr. Ian Roberts, CTO Bühler AG

Simulation as an enabler for more sustainable processing solutions

Bühler AG is a family-owned company from Switzerland and a so-called “hidden champion” in the food industry. At the CADFEM Conference 2024 in ...

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Ansys Rocky 2024 R1: Performance Increase by a Factor of 4 with New iSPH Algorithm

With Ansys 2024 R1, new solvers are available in Ansys Rocky, including those for temperature simulations. Additionally, Ansys Rocky can now be used ...

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Ansys 2024 R1: Fluent multi-GPU solver

With the 2024 R1, Ansys relies on natively implemented GPU solver technology in fluid mechanics. In addition, users can now also obtain reliable ...

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Shape optimization of a heat exchanger

Engineers are constantly faced with optimization tasks: How can the component be designed to achieve an increase in efficiency? Where is the greatest ...

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